Can Testosterone Be Raised After Prostate Removal

Can Testosterone Be Raised After Prostate Removal

Address Underlying Infection

Posted by Dave (Fountain Inn, Sc) on 03/17/2015

Prostate Enlargement:

Here are some helpful insights (I hope helpful) on what might be happening relative to prostate problems.

Enlarged prostate might mean there is an infection in the prostate causing enlargement of the prostate, unrelated to cancer. The reports form various cancer studies would indicate that enlargement (BPH) does not mean there is there is cancer in the prostate.

There is more a likelihood that there is a yeast, bacterial or viral infection in the prostate causing the enlargement. But then the reaction upon learning of a BPH problem by typical health care providers is to get a needle biopsy (12 point biopsy) where 12 needles are shot through the rectum and into the prostate.

However, the infection rate is very high for such a procedure.

So there is a quandary about how to handle the issue. A regular medical approach would typically call for such a biopsy and also an MRI and then medication.

But for those wishing to take a more conservative approach, the postponement of the invasive procedures means one would be looking at natural means to reduced enlargement; use of beta sitosterol, saw palmetto, pumpkin seed and many other formulas might be first tried.

But the underlying problem of the possibility of a deep seated infection in the prostate will still not have been addressed. So often the anti inflammation problem will persist.

My suggestion is that any man suffering with BPH who is seeking out methods to deal with prostate enlargement not overlook the possibility of underlying infection.

There are some innovative methods of analysis available...Radio Wave Frequency techniques, Rife Technology and other possible avenues for determining if a yeast or bacteria or virus is causing the enlargement should be explored.

I'd appreciate any reader to comment on this issue of how to determine if an infection is present and how to deal with possible deep tissue this case a possible deep gland infection.

I have used colloidal silver over a long term in high quantity as well as Rife. So far in measuring inflammation, mine is much reduced. Deep bacteria infection appears to have been the cause and I think the Rife technology is the reason there is a reduction in infection and consequently a reduction in inflammation. Hence, I am becoming asymptomatic. Reduction in gland enlargement, however, can take a very long time to accomplish so patience is a virtue.

I have to avoid the known prostate inflammatory items such as coffee and chocolate.

Replied by Timh
2083 posts

(faithville, Us)

Replied by Dr. King
(San Jose, California)

Replied by Lou
(Tyler, Tx)

Replied by Rick

Replied by Rick


(faithville, Us)


Apple Cider Vinegar

16 User Reviews

Posted by Jim (California) on 04/25/2018
5 out of 5 stars

Apple Cider Vinegar remedy for BPH, prostatitis or enlarged prostate symptoms:

I hadn't heard of using Apple Cider Vinegar before reading it here and I'm so thankful! Thank you to everyone that posted about it!

After taking 2 tablespoons of organic ACV in about a 1/4 cup of water with a little agave nectar (you could use honey or a little sugar) every morning before eating anything, I've noticed a huge difference! It's so much easier to start and the flow is much much better! Yeah it doesn't taste all that great but the benefits are totally worth it!!

Just to test things out, I stopped taking the ACV for 1 day about 4 days after starting to use it and all the bad symptoms came back. Once I resumed my morning regiment, it all turned around again! This stuff really does work, for me anyway, and I encourage anyone else to give it a couldn't hurt.

Everybody's different of course so if it doesn't work for you right away, I'd suggest giving it a try for at least a week. Apparently there are a bunch of other health benefits from taking ACV that I've read; lowing blood pressure, weight loss, better food digestion and more efficient mineral absorption, to name a few.


Apple Cider Vinegar

Posted by Big J (Tn) on 02/14/2018
5 out of 5 stars

I swear I started organic Apple Cider Vinegar a week ago for weight loss. I am surprised what it has done for my prostate. No more dribble in my pants after peeing. I am actually shocked at how well it worked.

Not sure weigh loss is helped but prostate is under control for sure. I am 48.

Apple Cider Vinegar

Posted by Jim (Fl) on 02/14/2018
5 out of 5 stars

I have been using ACV now for two weeks and taking a cap full (tablespoon) to 2oz of water three times a day. Morning, Noon and before bed. I have to say after ready this and looking's help me not pee as much at night, no dribble afterwards either as well as not starting and stopping. I was actually just taking it to cleanse or detox my body plus try to raise my PH because I was told it does that too.

Apple Cider Vinegar

Posted by Jim (Auckland, New Zealand) on 04/11/2017
5 out of 5 stars

Have taken 2 tablespoons apple cider vinegar in glass of hot water for the last 3 mornings upon waking.

I am 74 and have an enlarged prostate. Dr has had me on doxazosin to relax prostate and bladder muscle. That works well but made me weary, weak, sleepy and dropped my blood pressure down to 90/60.Then he had me cut dose back to 1/2 pill (2.5 mg) and added finasteride to shrink prostate by stopping production of dihydrotestosterone. But that hormone is what makes a male horny. While on it I had nil libido, which did not bother my wife, but I hated it. Have stopped taking both for a week now.

Apple cider vinegar last 3 mornings, seems to work for me. Only had one pee upon rising and another at 1100 after drinking tea and decaff coffee. And sleeping from 2200 to 0500. Used to wake up at least once, sometimes twice for a pee.Great now.

Replied by Chris
(Great Oakley, Northamptonshire. England.)
3 posts

Apple Cider Vinegar

Posted by Will (Irwin Pa.) on 01/27/2016
4 out of 5 stars

My PSA was 14.5. I took apple cider vinegar/raw honey 2 times a day. My PSA came down to 14.2 in 7 months. What can I do to lower it much more? I have stage 1 prostate cancer. Thank you . Will

Replied by Mike
(Reading, Pa)

Replied by John Dirckze

Replied by Russell

Replied by Timh
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Replied by Jim
(Auckland, New Zealand)

Replied by Nataraj
(Bantalore, India)

Replied by Peter
(South Africa)

Replied by Krishna
(Trinidad, W.i.)

Replied by Yuri
(New York)

Replied by Chris

Replied by Dena

Replied by Justin T.
(Santa Maria, CA)

Apple Cider Vinegar

Posted by Larry (Clarksville, Indiana) on 09/03/2015
5 out of 5 stars

I started using ACV and raw honey 2 weeks ago, but only because someone said that it was good for you. I never gave it a thought about how it would help me. I have been taking Flomax for about 2 years now, but today, I have not taken a Flomax for two days, and I don't need flomax now. Thanks to the ACV and Raw Local Honey.

As an added benefit, my Ohio River Valley allergies have all but gone away. Yea

Replied by Philip
(Lexington, Ky)

Replied by Martin
(Boulder, Co)

Replied by Faranuddin
(Sind Karaci)

Replied by Rob
5 out of 5 stars

Replied by Mark

Replied by Krishna
(Trinidad, W.I.)

Replied by Charity
(Faithville, Usa)

Apple Cider Vinegar

Posted by Lester ( Uk ) on 05/02/2015
5 out of 5 stars

No one was more sceptical than me about natural cures, but through desperation I turned to the Internet to try and find help for my prostate issues. I am very grateful to every one who posted about apple cider vinegar because to my amazement it really works. I have had troubles for nearly four years without remedy, and yet within three hours of taking the vinegar (one tablespoon in water) the discomfort I have suffered for so long started to dissipate.

Two days later I feel so much better and I would encourage anyone suffering to give it a try. I have also started taking blackstrap molasses as recomended on another part of this site. I never post on websites but feel it is so important for sufferers to give it a try I had to help spread the word. Best wishes to everyone looking for help.

Replied by Brian
(Charlotte, Nc)

Replied by Avelino Realista
(Caloocan City, Philippine)

Replied by Natasha
(Puerto Rico)

David W.
(Near Waterloo, Ontario, Canada)

Replied by Barry
(Corryton, Tn)

Replied by David W.
(Near Waterloo, Ontario, Canada)
5 out of 5 stars

Apple Cider Vinegar

Posted by Henry (Wichita, Kansas) on 11/20/2014
5 out of 5 stars

I had both the acid reflux and the slow urine stream and getting up two and three times a night to urinate. I started on raw and organic apple cider vinegar; two teaspoons in 8 oz. of tea or water first thing in the morning on an empty stomach and after 2 weeks I am much improved. In hot tea add raw honey as well. I am able to empty my bladder better and now get up once during the night. Urine stream is also better. I take the Apple Cider Vinegar "cocktail" every morning and so far great results. Take at least 1 hour before meals.They do recommend not taking over two tablespoons per day.

Apple Cider Vinegar

Posted by Zark (Emerald City, The Land Of Oz) on 11/07/2013
5 out of 5 stars

ACV works really well :) I use 1 or 1 and half tablespoons of ACV in a glass of juice and take that once or twice a day.

I started taking ACV for my prostate issues and found great relief using this. ACV is the best remedy I have found to date. No more pain when urinating. No more pain after sex. Wonderful! Sometimes the pain was really really bad, sometimes I would have erections that would not go away, and were not sexual at all..

Wonder of wonders, after taking ACV I soon noticed my mild reflux was gone.. and also my rhinitis had further improved. I use the No Starch Diet (quite similar to Paleo Diet actually) for my messed up immune system and that had already greatly improved my rhinitis (and other inflammatory immune problem too).

== Other things I tried ==

* Molasses - actually seemed to work reasonably well, but the ACV remedy is better!

* Top quality Multivitamin & Mineral & Antioxidant supplement (Pharmaceutical grade). ACV is still better hehe

* Making the renal system alkaline helped. That includes things like Cream of Tartar mixed with juice. Baking soda and water on an empty tummy. Lots of fruit & veg.. etc.

== Things that make it worse ==

** Chocolate! (due to sugar content perhaps?)

** Sugar

** Coffee

* Excessive protein consumption - makes the urine too acidic and my prostate doesn't like it.

Replied by Jackdaw
(Dallas, Tx)

Replied by Zark
(Emerald City, The Land Of Oz)

Replied by Old Lion
(Amarillo, Tx)

Replied by Mt
(New Jersey)

Replied by Zark

Replied by Edward Fontaine
(Denver, Co)

Replied by Faranuddin
(Karachi Sindh)

Replied by Timh
2083 posts

2 posts

Replied by Barry Tesar
(Walnut Creek, Ca.)


Replied by Barry

Replied by J. Park
(Cerritos, Ca)

Replied by Jerry

Apple Cider Vinegar

Posted by Mustapha (Abu Dhabi, UAE) on 10/18/2013

Hi there I'm 23 years old , I have been tested for everything regarding my penis and prostate but nothing came up. So the doctor says that I have inflamed prostate and prescribed soem useless medication, what I'm suffering for is that after urinating I drip urine and I have to clean up for a while till I can get dressed again, I also pee a lot and during peeing the stream finishes and then it starts again. Not to mention the times I wake up from my sleep to pee. I took a look at peoples remedies and I found one regarding Apple Cider Vinegar and natural saw palmetto. I was just wondering would this really work and if it does can you pretty please tell me what amount I should use. I'm also suffering from esophagel reflux.

Replied by Kacper
(Cracow, Poland)

Replied by Theresa

(Mpls., Mn)

Replied by Jodi

Replied by Cindi

Replied by Pg

Replied by Courtney
(Granite Bay)

Apple Cider Vinegar

Posted by Sceptic (Winsted) on 10/28/2012
5 out of 5 stars

First - a painless way to take the ACV is in V8 juice. A shot in a glass is actually a nice drink. Having a friend who had prostate issues, I sent him a link to this page and just to try, used ACV in pea soup last night and ---- strange, no urgent need to hit the bathroom this morning. That, following nighly trips there in the last week. Just maybe I'll get around to follow-up posts.

Apple Cider Vinegar

Posted by Bob (Boston, Ma) on 10/05/2008
5 out of 5 stars

I ended up on your site looking for a cure for shingles. I found it and it involved among other things Apple cider vinegar to be ingested and a mix of Aloe vera and crushed cayenne pepper rubbed on the redness which almost instantly brought the blisters to a head. I was done with shingles in about a week. Because of all the testimonials here, I decided to keep on taking the ACV orally 3 times a day. In liquid form or capsules. I realized that my flow of urine got stronger and started to last much longer. I had prostate problems for a few years and I was taking every day some very expensive herbal tea that was working somewhat. I decided to stop the herbal tea and stay on the ACV only. I now pee like a 15 years old and I'm not on any medication. ACV also cured me of my insomnia! Thank you Earth Clinic for such a great site.

Replied by John
(Phoenix, AZ)

Replied by Bob
(Hastings, Michigan)

Replied by Silvermcfly17
(Hastings, Mi)

Apple Cider Vinegar

Posted by James (Patchogue, New York) on 10/28/2007
5 out of 5 stars

I recently tried apple cider vinegar and it both helped my erection and helped me stay hard as well as urinary troubles in the morning slow stream of urine to normal. If you could please confirm this with other testamonials would appreciate it. thanks

Replied by Ken
(Ontario, Calif)

Replied by Carlos
(San Bernardino, California)

Replied by Art
(Vancouver Bc, Canada)

Replied by Roy
(Brampton, Ontario)

Replied by Timh
(Louisville, Ky, Usa)
2083 posts

Apple Cider Vinegar

Posted by David (Avon, IN 46123, USA) on 04/22/2007
5 out of 5 stars

Apple cider vinager has reduced my acid reflux and the positive proof of killing all of the bacteria in my bladder came from a lab test when I thought I had a prostate infection. The doctor looked at the results and said my urine was so remarkably clean, (without any bacteria) she did not know what I had. Therefore, she sent to urology and it was discovered I had too much acid in my system. Much of it was too much coffee, orange juice and grape juice plus ACV. When cutting back on too much juice, my prostate symtoms were gone in a few days, but the proof of " no bacteria in my bladder" was reason enough to let others know the benefits of AVC. All bladders have ... cells floating around and that causes bladder and kidney infections. AVC can prevent that. DJS

Replied by Bob
(Hastings, MI)

Replied by Dwarneke
(Tilden, Nebraska, Usa)

Replied by John
(Nc, Usa)

Replied by Lou
(Tyler, Tx)

Can Testosterone Be Raised After Prostate Removal


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